Rev. Dr. Benjamin Agard

Rev. Dr. Benjamin AgardRev. Dr. Benjamin Agard is the founder and Senior Pastor of the Open Bible Church on The Rock, Morvant (COTR). He accepted the Lord at the age of 12 and his simple but genuine witness about the power of God in his life touched many around him. He enrolled at the Open Bible Institute of Theology (OBIT) as soon as he was able and graduated in 1980. He attained his Master of Theology and Doctor of Ministry in 2003 and 2005 respectively, from Newport International University of the USA.

He has pastored 2 prominent churches over the course of his vibrant career, which started at Laventille Open Bible in 1974. There he functioned as a musician, worship leader, altar worker, counsellor, evangelist and youth president before his appointment as Assistant Pastor in 1980. Rev. Agard was granted License Credentials with the Open Bible Standard Churches (OBSC) in 1981. His appointment as Senior Pastor of the Laventille Church in 1984 followed the passing of his predecessor and mentor, Rev. Benjamin Hunte. He remained at Laventille for 10 years until he obeyed the call of God to establish the work in Morvant.

Rev. Agard served as OBSC Regional Superintendent – Region Four from 1986-1990, and was elected to the National Board in 1988. He also served the organization as a Bible School instructor and was the Assistant National Director from 1999-2011. On April 9, 2011, Rev. Agard was duly elected as the National Elder-Director of the organization and has been re-elected for a second, third and fourth term on April 12, 2014, April 22, 2017, and August 2, 2020 respectively.

Rev. Agard served as OBSC Regional Superintendent – Region Four from 1986-1990, and was elected to the National Board in 1988. He also served the organization as a Bible School instructor and was the Assistant National Director from 1999-2011. On April 9, 2011, Rev. Agard was duly elected as the National Elder-Director of the organization and has been re-elected for a second, third and fourth term on April 12, 2014, April 22, 2017, and August 2, 2020 respectively.

Rev. Dr. Benjamin Agard is married to Kate Agard and has enjoyed 43 years of marriage thus far. He is the father of 4 beautiful daughters, 1 son, 1 son-in-law and 1 daughter-in-law, and the grandfather of 3. He is also the spiritual father of many.

Sis. Kate Agard

Sis. Kate Sebastien-AgardKate Sebastien-Agard is the embodiment of the devoted wife and mother. Married to Benjamin since she was 21 years old, she stands by his side as a seeker of his interest and a helper of his dreams, a perfect complement to the man God has chosen to lead in this part of His Kingdom, every bit the visionary that her husband is, and ferocious in her pursuit of the things God places on her heart. She delights in the children God has blessed her and her husband with. She is her family’s intercessor and counsellor, their friend and endless encourager.

She didn’t have the easiest of starts. Born on September 13th, 1956, Sis. Agard grew up in Morvant. She speaks openly of the fact that her father was an alcoholic and, according to academics and statisticians, she and her siblings should have ended up as alcoholics, too. She also freely shares how her mother was frequently ill and in hospital, and Kate and her siblings would dread their father’s arrival home. Her childhood was something of a dark one.

That is, until she was 9, and her mother went to a Crusade and was instantaneously and miraculously healed by the Lord Jesus Christ and gave her life to Him. “It was like somebody switched on a light in the house,” Sis. Agard says. Her mother began taking Kate and her siblings to Morvant Pentecostal Church after her conversion, and it was there in the Sunday school that 9-year-old Kate accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Saviour. Her life became about Him and His Church. She allowed herself to be completely absorbed in church activities, finding all the fun and excitement she needed in her church family – and then finding the man who would become her husband.

Over the course of 41 years, she and Rev. Agard have forged a loving marriage, and people have taken note of how Sis. Agard has taken care of her husband. Just recently, when Rev. Agard went abroad on OBSC duties, he expressed his desire to move back into his office downstairs when he returned from his trip. All the offices downstairs had been water-damaged and had been temporarily relocated to the upper floor of the building to allow for repairs to be done. Sis. Agard worked overtime to have a new bookcase built and installed, painting and electrical work completed, and finishing touches added the weekend before Rev. Agard returned.

Although it has stretched her somewhat, Sis. Agard has also supported her husband’s decision to attend prayer meeting every morning and to lead one of the groups in the prayer net on Wednesday evenings. She goes ahead of her husband into the sanctuary on mornings to ensure Scripture is being read until the prayer begins in earnest at 6:05 am. She brings back testimonies from her own Wednesday evening sessions, rejoicing in seeing proof that God is hearing the prayers of the church. She wants to encourage the congregation to join in the effort if they haven’t done so already or continue to press forward where they have been participating, because she knows their involvement will bring her husband and the Lord great satisfaction.