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Church on The Rock’s 29th Anniversary Celebration

We invite you to share with us, your fondest memories of being a member/friend of the Church on The Rock family, over the past 29 years.

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Benjamin Agard
Benjamin Agard
11 months ago

What an honour to be called to walk through the OPEN DOOR God has set before us to bring Salvation to the community of Morvant and beyond.

Benjamin Agard
Benjamin Agard
11 months ago

1 Cor. 16:9 For a great door and effectual is opened unto me …….

Margaret Thomas
11 months ago

I remember the first day I attended COTR as I entered the building from downstairs, I heard the song playing “God will make a way where there seems to be no way”. I remembered tears flowing down my face uncontrollably something that never happened before because, I am not someone who usually cries. I must admit, that I came heavily burdened and the annointing was so powerful that it broke the yoke lol. There and then I knew that I was in the right place and that God wanted me to worship there.

Deon joseph
Deon joseph
11 months ago

When i first came to the church i was broken but the kindness of the staff and the love shown by everyone was so welcoming i felt at home and to pastor Agard from my family i thank you for all you’ve done for us the lord used you to save me and my family

Wendy-Ann Reyes
Wendy-Ann Reyes
11 months ago

The first time I entered Church on the Rock doors,in the year 1994, I would never forget the annointing I felt at the entrance of that door. I would hear Pastor Agard preach and I would get conviction but would not go up to the alter. Thank God for Heaven’s Gate and Hell’s Flame’s that took place in 1996 I came to know Jesus as Lord and saviour. I would never forget our first camp(“work camp” ) and my enjoyable days as a young person in Christ. I want to thank my Pastor for his obedience to the Lord and for supporting us as his sheep in this christian walk to the best of his ability. God Blessings on him and his family for their labour of love.

Last edited 11 months ago by Wendy-Ann Reyes
Sharon Clarke
Sharon Clarke
11 months ago

My memories are:
Having junior church with sister Judit. The Christmas treats she used to have when we were downstairs and being in the children’s choir under her.

Dancing to silent Night downstairs when we had our Christmas function.

I remember when we used to serve refreshments downstairs for birthdays etc. And a lady don’t know her name. She had a heart attack in a taxi?, since I came back from abroad she used to give me refreshments.

I also remember the children’s quiz compilation held downstairs

Neisha Guy
Neisha Guy
11 months ago

Revelation 12:11 Kjv
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
In 2021,
The country was neck deep in the C19 pandemic, I had just days before come out of the hospital, after 18 days of fighting with the virus. The first time I met Bishop Benjamin Agard, was at a wedding. The man of God asked for my number, and I gave it to him, not knowing, some years later, that God would use him and COTR to pull me through a very dark period of my life. The Bishop called, and I told him of my battles, and in no time the Soldiers of the COTR came to handle everything while I was recovering. In two weeks time, I received the Holy Spirit as I was baptized in the name of Jesus. Though the enemy did it’s best to grab my soul, Jesus redeemed me, and I keep saying, I dunno what made the Bishop call me that faithful day, but the timing was perfect, and Holy Spirit led. When everything was crumbling down around me, my body was too weak to bear my own burdens, my lungs too weak to utter a cry for help, eyes too blury to see and no one was there to help me, COTR came to pour into my life. I thank God for this foundation and the blessing that this congregation has been to my life.
Great is thy faithfulness Oh God, be Glorified in your people, Hallelujah ?

Jennifer Samaroo
Jennifer Samaroo
11 months ago

I have gathered many memories over the years at Church on the Rock. I had no doubt that this was and is my spiritual covering.
Some of my best memories are:-
1. Having Church in the car park, under the moonlight; placing my prayer request in a waiter, to be prayed for. My pray requested was answered.
2. Worshipping under the tent in the rain, on the lower car park.
3. Having Christmas dinner with pastor and sis. Kate, the preschool teachers and board members at a residence in St. Ann’s.
4. Christmas breakfast. Yum, yum.
5. The mother’s day luncheon, organized by sis. Kate, where specials were being sung on request.
6. Remembering relationships with some strong believers, sis. Jackson, sis. Donna Dailey, Genesee, and pastor Wilson.
7. Acting in Heaven’s gate and Hell’s flames.
8. Acting and dancing in a production put on by Sis. Margate and Jason.
God has answered many of my prayers under this ministry, Church on the Rock.
Thank you, for all the spiritual food, many I cannot remember, but I know it is in me.
God bless our pastors.

Gabriela Noriega
11 months ago

My fundest memory being a part of the family is the warm welcome you get as you enter, the support of a family