Youth Overcomers – Who You Represent

Youth Overcomers began at Church on The Rock (COTR) when Rev. and Sis. Agard recognized the need for youth ministry at the church. A Youth Committee headed by then Youth Pastor Wayne Baptiste, supported by his wife, Sis. Julia, was formed in 1996. Other members of the Committee were Sis. Lynda Jagassar (who resigned from the Committee a few months later), Bro. Cuthbert and Sis. Deborah Tracey (Treasurer), Sis. Joann Charles (Secretary), Bro. Preston Moses, and Sis. Lavorne Haynes.

The mission of the youth ministry is to reach, teach, and empower youths, bringing them to the measure and fullness of Christ, that is, Christ fully formed in them. It preaches the gospel of Christ to youths through every possible medium and in every place the Lord leads them into, according to Romans 1:16. The ministry is built upon the core values of prayer and fasting, accountability, thinking and training, excellence, fellowship and integrity.

A major means of accomplishing its goals is the ministry’s camps held every year over the Carnival weekend. These camps are highly anticipated events on the church calendar, filled with fun and the opportunity to connect with God. The first camp actually took place in 1996 before the Committee was formed. That was a memorable weekend complete with gymnastics with Bro. Roger Martin and a talent night. Another unforgettable camp came a few years later, in 2003, when Bro. Dwayne O’Connor and Sis. Stacey-Ann Victory exchanged wedding vows at the Worldwide Church of God campsite in Arima to the delight of the entire camp, the only nuptials to have taken place at camp to date.

Beyond camp, Youth Overcomers achieves its objectives by meeting regularly to explore the Word of God and help the young people become equipped to be God’s ambassadors in their daily lives. They gather on Friday evenings from 6:00 pm for interactive discussions, panel discussions, and Bible quizzes. Additionally, they often hold all-night prayer meetings, movie nights, game nights, and concerts where they express themselves and explore their talents.

Over the years, Youth Overcomers has engaged in evangelism, educational programmes and fellowship activities. They do community visits and now join Open Bible Institute of Theology (OBIT) students to hand out invitations to COTR’s monthly Deliverance Services. Educational programmes have included, “Resume Writing and Marketing Yourself,” “Face to Face with Yourself – Man to Man, Woman to Woman,” “Beauty of Sexuality,” “The Bible Revealed: Revelation,” and a study of the Book of Ephesians. For relaxation and bonding, the group has had fun outings and camp reunions at places like La Vega, Gran Couva; Shark River; and Maracas Bay to name just a few.

Who You Represent has also launched the annual Aliyah James Service Award in memory of a bright spark, a young member of the ministry who was an exemplar of willingness to serve and who served with great enthusiasm. The Award is given to young persons who show themselves to have a true servant’s heart.

None of the youth department’s achievements would have been possible without God. WYR continues to rely on Him for the way forward.