Articles Of Faith

1.     We believe the Bible to be the INSPIRED WORD OF GOD and accept the same as the only infallible guide and rule of our faith and practice. II Tim. 3:16,17.

2.     We believer in the TRIUNE GOD, equal in divine perfection and attributes, executing distinct but harmonious office in the work of redemption. GOD THE FATHER, maker of heaven and earth:  GOD, THE SON, co-eternal with the Father, conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary; took upon Himself the form of man and bore the curse of sin, sickness and death, redeeming us back to God.  He arose the third day and ascended unto heaven where he sits on the right hand of the Father. 

II Cor. 13:14, Phil. 2:6-11. GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT, co-existent and equal with the Father and the Son sent by the Father through the Son to reprove the world of sin and prepare the Bride of Christ.  John 16:9, 1

3.     We believe in the TOTAL FALL AND DEPRAVITY OF MAN, lost and unable to save himself by his own efforts. 5:12,19; 3:6-23.

4.     We believe that CHRIST was foreordained from before the foundation of the world as God’s lamb, to SHED HIS BLOOD FOR THE SALVATION OF MAN.     

I Pet. 1:19-20; Isa. 9:6-7

5.     We believe a CHRISTIAN is one who has been saved from the penalty of sin by God’s grace alone, regenerated by the Holy Spirit and given power to repent of his sins. 8:1,2; John 3:2; II Tim. 2:25

6.      We believe that having been cleansed by the Blood and quickened by the Spirit, it is God’s will that we should be SANCTIFIED DAILY AND MADE A PARTAKER OF HIS HOLINESS. A TRUE Christian must forsake the very appearance of evil Rom. 6:22; I Thess. 5:22

7.     a. We believe that MARRIAGE was instituted by God as a permanent, formal union between a man and a woman that establishes a new family which would satisfy the human need for companionship, the legitimate expression of sexuality and for the procreation and nurture of godly children (Gen. 1:27-28; 2:24-25; Mal. 2:14-16; Matt. 19:4-6; Rom. 7:2; Prov. 5:15-19; I Cor. 7:2; Heb.13:4; I Tim. 5:14).

b. A Christian man or woman should not marry an unsaved person. (II Cor. 6:14; I Cor. 7:39).

8.     We believe that WATER BAPTISM BY IMMERSION in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit is commanded by God; that it is subsequent to conversion: that it is not a saving ordinance but an outward sign of an inward work Matt. 28:19: Rom. 6:4; Acts 2:38.

9.     We believe in the commemoration of the LORD’S SUPPER as a type of the broken body and shed Blood of our Lord and as an ordinance showing forth the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord, and a looking forward to the marriage supper of the Lamb I Cor. 11:26.

10.     We believe the BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT is a definite experience not identical with conversion. The initial evidence of this experience of this experience is the speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. It is given to endue with power; to give inspired utterance in witnessing for Christ; to lead the believer into holiness and sobriety; to equipt him for efficient soul winning John 14:16; Acts 1:8;2:4,38,39;19:6; I Cor. 3:16.

a. The Spirit-filled life is one that experiences a continual renewing from on high. The Spirit is as gentle as a dove, easily grieved and wounded by worldliness and a critical spirit Eph. 5:18

b. The Spirit bestows gifts severally as He wills, the word of wisdom, the word of Knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues. These gifts should be coveted earnestly by all believers and exercised in the spirit of love (I Cor. 12:7-11).

c. Moderation in all things … never leading into unseemly manifestations, unchristian-like extremes but well-balanced, sober, seasoned with love. Zeal should be governed by godly wisdom.

11.     We believe that DIVINE HEALING is the power of God to heal the sick and afflicted in answer to believing prayer and is provided for in the atonement. We believe that God is willing to and does heal the sick today. (Isa. 53:4,5; James 5:14-16; Acts 3:16; Matt. 8:16,17).

12.     We believe in the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. That it is a personal and imminent reality before the millennial reign of Christ.  The rapture of the redeemed from earth (both those who are dead in Christ, and those who are alive) is something to be anticipated by every true believer (I Thess. 4:16,17) the Great Tribulation will end when Christ comes in glory with His saints to set up his millennial kingdom on earth.  Then He shall reign as King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev. 19:16).

13.     We believe that every born-again believer should identify himself with the VISIBLE CHURCH OF CHRIST and should labour diligently and contribute his temporal means toward the spreading of the Gospel (Heb. 10:24,25; Mal. 3:10). All tithes should be brought into the storehouse of the Lord.

14.     We believe that THE GOVERNMENT IS ORDAINED OF GOD and all Christians should be subject to the laws of the land except those contrary to the revealed will of God. In times of war, the individual’s participation is to be governed by his conscience (Rom. 13:1-7; Acts 5:29).

15.    We believe in the FINAL JUDGEMENT OF THE WICKED (Matt. 13:41-43) with a literal place of hell or outer darkness, bitter sorrow and remorse. This is prepared by God for the devil and his angels and those whose names are not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Rev. 20:10, 14, 15; 21:7,8).

16.    We believe that HEAVEN IS THE HABITATION OF GOD where Christ has gone to prepare a place for all His children (I Cor. 2:9; John14).

17.    We believe that because of the soon coming of Christ, we should put forth our utmost efforts to the PROMULGATION OF THE GOSPEL TO EVERY KINDRED, TRIBE AND TONGUE, THAT SOUL WINNING IS THE CHIEF MISSION OF THE CHURCH, and that all hindrances should be laid aside so that nothing should hinder world-wide evangelism (II Tim. 4:1,2).